Slovenija 07.06.2013
Delavnica HiperOído: DIY pick-up mikrofon // HiperOído: DIY pick-up microphone Workshop
11.06.2013, , Ljudmila, Rimska 8, Ljubljana

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*Scroll down for English


Ljudmila naznanja prav posebno delavnico s perujskim zvočnim eksperimentalistom Chrsom Galarreto, ki bo potekala v torek in sredo, 11. in 12. junija. Pohitite s prijavami!

Več v nadaljevanju.

HiperOído*: DIY pick-up mikrofon

Delavnica // Prosto-vezje

Datum: Torek in sreda, 11. in 12. junij, od 16. do 20. ure

Mentor: Chrs Galarreta

Lokacija: Ljudmila, Rimska 8, Ljubljana

* Hiper (Špansko) - predpona, ki pomeni predvsem, več ali presežek; Oído (Špansko) - občutek sluha ali ušesa.

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O delavnici

Na prvem delu delavnice se bodo udeleženci spoznali z dojemanjem in snemanjem zvokov iz okolja ter sestavili dva “naredi sam” transduktorja - kontaktni mikronfon in senzor za sprejemanje elektromagnetnih valov ter razjasnili njune funkcije delovanja. Drugi del delavnice vključuje delo na terenu, udeleženci se bodo z narejenimi mikrofoni odpravili v mesto in poslušali ter snemali atmosferične in subakustične elektromagnetne valove. Delavnica teoretično izvira iz avtorjevega eseja Residuos Sonoros Invisibles y Continuidad //Nevidni ostanki in kontinuitete, ki je dostopen na povezavi: http://sajjra.net/chrs/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/HiperOi%CC%81do-Invisible_Sonic_Debris_and_Continuity-english-Christian-Galarreta.pdf

O mentorju

Chrs Galarreta (Peru) je na južnoameriški eksperimentalni glasbeni sceni prisoten od leta 1995. Je ustanovitelj neodvisne glasbene založbe in skupnosti Aloardi in mnogih glasbenih skupin (DiosMeHaViolado, Evamuss, Azucena Kantrix, Tica, Garrapata, ...). Področje njegovih interesov je raziskovanje glasbenih de-kompozicij, hekanja človeške percepcije v času in prostoru in socialna samo-rekognicija. Danes živi med Francijo in Nizozemsko, razvija lastne neodvisne zvočne projekte ter študira na Institute of Sonology of the Royal Conservatoire.

Več: http://sajjra.net/

Prijava in pristopnina

Cena delavnice je 10 € in vključuje vstopnico za koncert Chrsa Galarrete ter graške zasedbe Sex Jams v klubu Gromka, v četrtek 13. junija. Delavnica bo potekala v angleškem jeziku, mikronofoni pa ostanejo v vaši lasti.

Prijava na delavnica@ljudmila.org . Če imate zvočno snemalno napravo, jo prosim prinesite s seboj.

Dear Subscriber

Ljudmila announces a special workshop with Peruvian sound eksperimentalist Chrs Galarreta, which will take place next Tuesday and Wednesday, June 11 and 12. Don't hesitate with applicaton!

Scroll down for more info.

HiperOído*: DIY pick-up microphone

Workshop // Free-circuit

Date: Tuesday and Wednesday, June 11 and 12, from 4pm till 8pm

Mentor: Chrs Galarreta

Location: Ljudmila, Rimska 8, Ljubljana

* Hiper Hiper (from spanish) - prefix that means above, over, or in excess; Oído (from spanish) - the hearing sense. The ear, as well.

About the workshop

First part of the workshop consists of listening to some examples of field sensing and recordings and building 2 DIY home-made transducers: a strong contact mic and an electromagnetic sensor. On the second part of the workshop participants will took an indoor and outdoor tours and experience field sensing and recording of electromagnetic fields and subacuatic and atmospheric sounds in spaces that function as sound filters and spaces listened across the elements that compose them. They will also simultaneous use the 2 transducers while finding a place where the electromagnetic, sub-acuatic an atmospheric fields can be listened to simultaneously. The workshop is based on mentors essay Residuos Sonoros Invisibles y Continuidad // Sonic Debris and Continuity.

Available here: http://sajjra.net/chrs/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/HiperOi%CC%81do-Invisible_Sonic_Debris_and_Continuity-english-Christian-Galarreta.pdf

About the mentor

Chrs Galarreta (Peru) is very active in the South American experimental scene since 1995. Founder member of the independent label and association Aloardi and of bands like DiosMeHaViolado, Evamuss, Azucena Kantrix, Tica, Garrapata, Ninguna Ninfula, Miasma, 50 Otages among others. The sublime and the uncertainty are present in his actions, he gets them using broken electrical appliances, homemade audiovisual instruments, field streamings, field recordings, feedback systems, the induction of errors in the software-hardware and in the way to play musical instruments. He transduce imperceptible physical phenomena for humans to an audible dimension (as electromagnetic fields or sub-acuatic sounds). He is mostly interested in the exploration of the aforementioned interfaces and auto-regulated systems to apply them to create inmersive experiences, experimental songs and de-compositions, hacking the human perception of space-time as a form of civil disobedience and social auto-reorganization. Today he lives between France and Netherlands and continues developing his independent projects, researches and studies in the Institute of Sonology of the Royal Conservatoire and in the “Stichting Centrum” - VillaKabila at Den Haag. More: http://sajjra.net/


Contribution for two day workshop (8 hours) is 10 € and grants you a free entry to Chrs Galarreta and Sex Jams concert at Gromka Club, Metelkova on Thursday, June 13 (in the co-operation with Rnka Rnka). Workshop will be in English, you will keep all the microphones that you'll build at the workshop. Please apply/announce yourself to: delavnica@ljudmila.org. If you own a handy sound recorder please bring it with you.

Ekipa Ljudmile | Ljudmila team




Ljudmila - Ljubljanski laboratorij za digitalne medije in kulturo

Ljudmila - Ljubljana Digital Media Lab

Kontakt | Contact:

Helena Božič


+386 41 595 097

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Program Ljudmila pri KUD France Prešeren Trnovo in društvo Ljudmila, laboratorij za znanost in umetnost podpirata Ministrstvo za kulturo Republike Slovenije in MOL - Oddelek za kulturo. |

The Ljudmila program at KUD France Preseren Trnovo and the Ljudmila Society, laboratory for science and arts, are both supported by the Slovene Ministry of Culture and MOL - Department of Culture.