Slovenija 29.09.2014
Otvoritev razstave AV instalacij​e Soundlight​er// Exhibition opening
30.09.2014, , Ljubljana

Inline images 1 Pozdravljeni, vljudno vas vabimo na jutrišnjo otvoritev avdiovizualne instalacije Soundlighter umetnikov Izland in jesusonecstasy, ki bo v sklopu festivala Svetlobna Gverila v Galeriji Alkatraz na ogled od 30. septembra do 8. oktobra. Vrata v interaktivni svet Soundlighterja se odprejo v torek, 30. 9. ob 21h! Lepo vabljeni! Scroll down for English! Izland & jesusonecstasy: Soundlighter Otvoritev v torek, 30. september ob 21.00, na ogled do 8. oktobra. Lokacija: Galerija Alkatraz, Metelkova Mesto, Ljubljana Galerija je odprta: pon.-čet.: 11.00-15.00, 16.00-20.00 in pet.-sob.: 15.00-23.00 Inline images 1 Instalacija vzpostavlja biotop v povratni zanki med tekočinami, vseprisotnim zvokom in breztežno svetlobo. Izland v realnem času mešata kemijske raztopine različnih gostot z barvili in prašnimi delci, ki jih potapljata v vodo in topita z alkoholi, ter pretakanje v akvariju projecirata v prostorsko komoro. Jesusonecstasy zajema svetlobni iznos in ga čez digitalni sintetizator zvoka pošilja nazaj v prostor. Zvočne frekvence v zaključeni zanki povzročajo vibracije tekočin. Celoten sistem je odziven na okoljske spremembe in prisotnost publike, ki vstopa v notranji prostor instalacije, zamejene s cilindrično projekcijsko površino. Posamezne materije v sistemu določajo valovne dolžine in hitrosti potovanja frekvenc. V vodi se zvok giblje s hitrostjo, ki je odvisna od gostote, pritiska in toplote; od slednje je odvisna tudi hitrost potovanja zvoka v zraku. S svetlobo je povsem drugače, kajti ona ne rabi nosilca (zraka), da bi potovala. V SoundLighterju se srečamo tudi s hitrostjo navideznega realnega časa, ki rabi mikro sekunde, da iz zajema kamere prepotuje pot v računalniški vmesnik. Realni čas ni realen, temveč se neprestano odmika, ne gre niti za realni prostor ali kot reče Virilo o hitrosti: “...to ni stvar projekcije objektov in podob, temveč gibanja in izginjajočih pokrajin.” (Virilio, Paul: Negative Horizon: An Essay in Dromoscopy, Bloomsbury Academic, 2008, stran 107). Izland (Gašper Milkovič-Biloslav & Marko Vivoda) razvijata nove pristope VJ-anja, kjer na preseku analognih tehnologij v živo mešata različne tekočine v organske vzorce. Med drugim oblikujeta vizualne podobe koncertov zasedbe Silence in dua Random Logic. jesusonecstasy (Mitja Cerkvenik) je producent analogne elektronske glasbe, razvija elektronske inštrumente in efekte ter ustvarja zvok za gledališke predstave in kratke filme. http://wiki.ljudmila.org/Soundlighter http://www.svetlobnagverila.net/ * * * Produkcija: Ljudmila in Zavod projekt Atol Koprodukcija: Strip Core/Forum Ljubljana in Galerija Alkatraz * * * Dear subscriber, you are cordially invited to attend the opening of AV interactive installation Soundlighter by Izland & jesusonecstasy at Alkatraz Gallery, tomorrow, September 30th at 9pm. The exhibition is part of this years Lightning Guerrilla festival and will be opened till October 8th. See you! Izland & jesusonecstasy: Soundlighter Exhibition opening on Sept 30th at 9pm // Till Oct 8th Location: Alkatraz Gallery, Metelkova, Ljubljana Opening hours: Mondays to Thursdays, 11am–3pm and 4pm–8pm // Fridays and Saturdays, 3pm –11pm The installation establishes a habitat in a reverse loop of liquids, sound and light. The members of the Izland tandem mix chemical solutions of different densities with paints and dust, then submerge them into water, and solve them with alcohols; next, the pouring in an aquarium is projected onto a spatial chamber. jesusonecstasy captures the lighting output and sends it back into the space by means of a digital sound synthesizer. In a completed loop, sound frequencies cause vibration of the liquids, while particular substances within the system define wave lengths and velocity of the journey of frequencies. The whole system is responsive on changes in its surroundings, and it also reacts on the presence of the viewers. Visitors enter the inner space of the installation, which is defined by a cylindrical projection screen. In the Soundlighter installation we also face the issue of speed of the supposedly real time, which requires microseconds to travel all the way from the shooting camera to the computer interface: real time is actually not real; rather, it always moves away … Izland (Gašper Milkovič-Biloslav and Marko Vivoda) develop new approaches to VJing with live mixing of different liquids into organic patterns at the crossroads of analogue technologies. Among other things, they produce visual images for concerts of the bands Silence and Random Logic. jesusonecstasy (Mitja Cerkvenik) is a producer of analogue electronic music; he makes electronic instruments and effects, and creates sound for theatre productions and short films. http://wiki.ljudmila.org/Soundlighter(en) http://www.svetlobnagverila.net/eng/ * * * Production: Ljudmila and Zavod projekt Atol Co-production: Strip Core/Forum Ljubljana and Alkatraz Gallery Ekipa Ljudmile // Ljudmila team http://www.ljudmila.org/ http://www.culture.si/ http://kulturnik.si/ Društvo Ljudmila, laboratorij za znanost in umetnost Ljudmila, Art and science laboratory Všečkate lahko naš Facebook profil // Like us on Facebook Sledite nam na Twitterju // Follow us on Twitter Umetniški in izobraževalni program Društva Ljudmila, laboratorija za znanost in umetnost in koprodukcije z Zavodom Projekt Atol podpirata Ministrstvo za kulturo Republike Slovenije in MOL – Oddelek za kulturo // The educational and art programme at Ljudmila Society, Laboratory for science and arts, and co-productions with Projekt Atol Institute are both supported by the Slovene Ministry of Culture and MOL – Department of Culture.