Slovenija 11.11.2014
[aksioma] NE SPREGLEJTE! Odprtje razstave Saše Spačal in Matica Potočnika, jutri, v Projektnem prostoru Aksioma
12.11.2014, , Ljubljana

Ne spreglejte jutrišnje otvoritve razstave, ki jo Ljudmila predstavlja v našem Projektnem prostoru ------ Inline images 1 Pozdravljeni, vljudno vas vabimo k doživetju svoje lastne virtualne razpršenosti in potop v intermedijsko instalacijo Liminoid avtorjev Saše Spačal in Matica Potočnika. Portal v svet Liminoida se odpre v sredo, 12. novembra ob 20. uri, v Projektnem prostoru Aksioma. Strah je odveč! Se vidimo na drugi strani! Scroll down for English! Saša Spačal in Matic Potočnik: Liminoid Obogatena in virtualna izkušnja razpršene subjektivitete // intermedijska instalacija 12. – 28. november 2014 Otvoritev: Sreda, 12. november ob 20. uri Projektni prostor Aksioma, Komenskega 18 (vhod), Ljubljana Inline images 2 Liminoid je portal, ki sproža prehod med obogateno in virtualno realnostjo ter povzroča izkušnjo razpršene subjektivitete. Liminoidno stanje izhaja iz antropološke ideje o sodobni variaciji liminalnega stanja, ki zaznamuje prehod sebstva v iniciacijskih ritualih. Liminoidna izkušnja je opredeljena kot nedoločen skupek pravil, ki sprožajo preobražen občutek o samem sebi. Podobno kot liminalnost jo posameznica ali posameznik doživita v treh fazah: ločitev od starega jaza, faza prehoda, za katero je značilna nejasnost in izguba orientacije, ter zadnja faza ponovne vključitve in oblikovanja novih pogledov na svet. Doživetje v instalaciji Liminoid ni zgolj simulacija liminoidne faze, kajti ponuja številne zasuke v polju virtualne in obogatene realnosti. Avtorja sta zasnovala izkustveno potovanje za preverjanje poststrukturalističnih konceptov, kot so razpršena subjektiviteta, postajanje, virtualnost, potopitev in identifikacija. Izkušnja lahko zbuja občutke negotovosti ali tesnobe, kajti liminoidna faza je odprta potencialnost, gledalec ali gledalka pa lahko pričakujeta presenečenje! Sistem je opremljen z novo generacijo očal za zaznavanje virtualne realnosti Oculus Rift. Avtorja sta za vstop v mejno polje med fizičnim in virtualnim podaljšala očala in jih opremila s parom spletnih kamer, da bi omogočila hibridno izkušnjo virtualnega in obogatenega vida. Liminoid kot mesto prehoda je opremljen s panoptičnimi kamerami, ki hkrati vključujejo več položajev gledanja v realnem prostoru. Obiskovalka ali obiskovalec sedita v udobnem stolu, ki preprečuje morebitne telesne odzive na potopitveno izkušnjo, kot sta zmedenost ali omotičnost. Istočasno se v njunem zaznavnem polju razpre izkušnja razpršenosti, ki se strne v točkah združitve in nazadnje prikaže kot temeljni mejni kamen, ki priča o fizični realnosti mentalne in virtualne izkušnje. Izvleček iz besedila Ide Hiršenfelder. Več: hhttp://wiki.ljudmila.org/Liminoid(sl) in ttp://projectliminoid.wordpress.com/ Produkcija: Ljudmila, Laboratorij za znanost in umetnost Podpora: Projekt je podprla Mestna občina Ljubljana - Oddelek za kulturo. * * * Dear subscriber, you are cordially invited to enter the Liminoid portal, a new media installation by Saša Spačal and Matic Potočnik, and experience augmented and virtual disintegrated of your own subjectivity. The initiation starts on WED, 12th of November, 8pm at Aksioma Project Space in Ljubljana, and ends on November 28th. Resistance is futile! See you on the other side! Saša Spačal in Matic Potočnik: Liminoid Augmented and virtual experience of disintegrating subjectivity // New media installation Inline images 1 November 12 – 28 2014 Opening: Wednesday, November 12, 8pm Aksioma Project Space, Komenskega 18 (entrance), Ljubljana Liminoid is a wearable electronic system that induces an augmented and virtual experience of disintegrating subjectivity. The system is constructed of three body extensions. The first extension is Oculus Rift: a next-generation virtual reality headset primarily designed for immersive gaming. The artists have hacked and extended these virtual goggles by equipping them with a pair of web-cams to ensure a hybrid experience of virtual and augmented vision. The second extension is an open source hardware Pulse Sensor Amped measuring heart-rate beats per minute for Arduino. The third extension is a panoptic camera overseeing the exhibition space and is incorporated in the dramaturgy of the visual experience. The visitor is seated in a comfortable chair, preventing a physical reaction to the immersive experience, which might result in disorientation, dizziness or even nausea. The geometric circular shapes for virtual and augmented video experience have been constructed in Blender, a free software for 3D modeling, while the animation is responsive to the pulse of the visitor and has been coded and published at github to support open source communities and free accessibility to the results of the research. In the context of anthropology, the term liminoid has been coined in order to describe the contemporary experience of the liminal stage of transience of the selfhood in the rites of passage. A liminoid experience thus defines an undetermined set of rules that triggers transformation of the sense of self. Much like liminality the liminoid experience is achieved through a three-phase passage from the separation from the old self, to transition phase that is characterized by ambiguity and disorientation, and last but not least the phase of incorporation and formation of new perspectives. This three fold experience is reflected in the dramaturgy of the visual experience in the virtual / augmented headset, however the artists do not simply translate mental processes by visual means. The project is not merely a simulation of the liminoid stage. It offers a number of augmented and virtual twists, thus becoming above all, portray of the poststructural concepts like disintegration of subjectivity, the becoming, the virtual, the immersion and identification. The experience is an intense and even rather unpleasant sensation of uncertainty, anxiety or even existential fear. The liminoid is the potentiality, and the viewer is out for a surprise! More Info: http://wiki.ljudmila.org/Liminoid and http://projectliminoid.wordpress.com/ Production: Ljudmila – Art and Science Laboratory Support: Project was supported by Ljubljana City Municipality (MOL) – Department of Culture. Ekipa Ljudmile // Ljudmila team http://www.ljudmila.org/ http://www.culture.si/ http://kulturnik.si/ Društvo Ljudmila, laboratorij za znanost in umetnost Ljudmila, Art and science laboratory Všečkate lahko naš Facebook profil // Like us on Facebook Sledite nam na Twitterju // Follow us on Twitter Umetniški in izobraževalni program Društva Ljudmila, laboratorija za znanost in umetnost in koprodukcije z Zavodom Projekt Atol podpirata Ministrstvo za kulturo Republike Slovenije in MOL – Oddelek za kulturo // The educational and art programme at Ljudmila Society, Laboratory for science and arts, and co-productions with Projekt Atol Institute are both supported by the Slovene Ministry of Culture and MOL – Department of Culture. To unsubscribe, follow the link: http://lists.arscenic.org/sympa/auto_signoff/aksioma/mcp%40siol.net