, Slovenija
Naši predragi!
Kaj hočemo, jesen je spet tu. Da pa ne bi preveč žalovali za poletjem, vam Narobov tudi letos ponuja odličen razlog za dobro voljo, to je GOLI ODER, 6. mednarodni festival improvizacije, ki se bo tokrat odvijal kar v dveh delih, in sicer od 23. do 28. oktobra ter od 2. do 6. novembra 2007. Samo zato, da boste lahko dvakrat uživali!
Festival slavnostno otvarjamo s slovenskopremiero ludističnega performansa De.Kons, 23. oktobra ob 20h v Gledališču Glej. V prvem delu festivala napovedujemo še zažigalne kanadske Rapid Fire Theatre, Janeza Janšo s performansom Miss mobile, Bastkolektiv in še koga.
Pridružite se nam!
Več informacij najdete na www.narobov.org in www.goli-oder.org .
Pa še tole! Narobovse 28. oktobra odpravlja v Maribor na podelitev JEŽKOVE NAGRADE, za katero smo bili nominirani z radiofonično parodijo resničnostnih šovov - Veliko sestro. Držite pesti!
Če ne želite več prejemati obvestil Narobova, vas prosimo, da nam to sporočite. Hvala.
Our Dearest!
What can we do, the autumn is here again. Not to mourn too much for the summer, Narobov is again offering you an excellent reason to be in a good mood, and that is THE NAKED STAGE, 6th International Festival of Improvisation. This time the festival will be happening in two parts, from 23rd to 29th October and form 2nd to 6th November, only so you can enjoy it twice!
We will be opening the festival with the Slovenian premiere of the ludicrous performance De.Kons, on 23rd October at 8pm in the theatre Glej. We are also looking forward to the Canadian flaming Rapid Fire Theater, to Janez Janša with the performance Miss Mobile, to Bast collective and more…
Join us!
You can find more information on www.narobov.com and www.goli-oder.org .
And one more! Narobov has been nominated for the JEŽEK AWARD for our radiophonic parody of reality shows - Big Sister - and is going to the awards ceremony in Maribor on 28th October. Keep your fingers crossed!