06.05.2015, , Slovenija
Ob vedno večji dominaciji spletnega rezervacijskega portala www.booking.com so se komercialni rezervacijski kanali že pred časom odločili, da ukinejo rezervacijsko pristojbino ali "booking fee" in dvignejo provizijo za uporabnike; po večini z 10 % na 12 %, kar je nadomestilo izpad rezervacijske pristojbine.
Pri HI so še nekaj časa vztrajali pri 6% proviziji in 1,5 funtih rezervacijske pristojbine, vendar je to vztrajanje pomenilo veliko prepreko za mlade popotnike pri izbiri rezervacijskega portala in posledično manj nočitev za hostle.
Kot je razvidno iz spodnjega sporočila, bo HI s 1. 6. 2015 trajno ukinil rezervacijsko pristojbino, razliko za delovanje sistema pa poiskal v dodatnih 2% provizije.
Odločitev je bila sprejeta po testnem obdobju in tako smo imeli v Sloveniji v mesecu marcu 32,6% rast prihodkov iz naslova www.hihostels.com, 42,9% več rezervacij in 42,1% več rezerviranih nočitev.
Z junijem bo provizija 8 % namesto 6 %, kar je še zmerom za 4 odstotne točke manj kot na primer www.hostelworld.com oziroma kar 7 odstotnih točk manj, kot www.booking.com.
Za vsa nadaljnja morebitna vprašanja smo Vam na voljo in Vas v upanju po povečanju števila nočitev po tem ukrepu lepo pozdravljamo,
V imenu Popotniškega združenja Slovenije
Igor JURIŠIČ, predsednik Popotniškega združenja Slovenije
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Dear friends,
From 1st June 2015, Hostelling International will permanently remove the booking fee from all bookings made via HI channels across all hostels worldwide. This move equates to two percentage points of lost revenue, and so the topic of commission level has been discussed at length and taken extremely seriously.
After much deliberation, the Board has decided that from 1st June, commission to HI will be raised from 6% to 8%. We think this move will be widely supported by the network, which has been keen to see the booking fee removed whilst keeping the plan for financial sustainability firmly on track. However we realise that this in turn could cause a small number of National Associations some financial concerns of their own and therefore we will consider applications, supported by a strong case, for the commission to remain at 6% for a fixed period if required to safeguard the future of our unique global organisation.
What we have also agreed is that Hosted Affiliates and Link Partner bookings will be maintained at the existing rate of commission, that is to say we will refund 3% to the National Association. Over the past year we have emphasised the importance of the international booking links from individual association websites to hihostels.com and by returning 3% to the network, we are finally able to offer a more substantial return to those who have made the effort to support the “your outbound is my inbound” ethos. The Hosted Affiliate and Link Partner programmes are available to all National Associations so if you would like to benefit from these please get in touch.
This in no way affects the existing Membership Saving Programme (MSP) whereby members of Hostelling International receive at least 10% discount on overnights compared to non-members, regardless of the channel they booked.
To summarise:
•The booking fee will be removed across the board from 1st June 2015
•Commission will increase from 6% to 8% from 1st June 2015
•The deposit paid by the customer will therefore increase from 6% to 8%
•Link partner and hostel affiliate bookings made as of 1st June 2015 will receive a 3% kickback
•Applications to fix in at 6% for an extended fixed period by 15th May 2015, for consideration
Please ensure you cascade this information to your regional teams and hostel managers as quickly as possible. For more information or to arrange a discussion please contact Stephen Lane via Alison Margrave amargrave@hihostels.com stating clearly “Changes to commission” in the subject box.
Best regards,
Stephen Lane
HI Head of Sales & Marketing
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