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Youth Sport Groups accommodation in hotel Jadran sPLIT Dalmatia, Croatia
04.10.2013, Tujina

we would like to introduce you to best youth sport hotel in Split!
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Greetings from Smokvina Travel from Split Croatia
Welcome to Jadran Split hotel
Are you a member of a sports organization? Professional or Amateur?
Want your team to have best possible preparation? - In this case, you've come to the right place!
We can offer a fabulous perfect conditions for training, friendly matches and sparring partners of all ages and levels of sports!
The pleasant Mediterranean climate and a good selection of sports Split and its surroundings provide the best conditions for preparation.
We can arrange for the preparation of almost all types of sports, and in this way you afford a vacation (with training) of everyday life near the Adriatic Sea.

Jadran hotel is recognizable not only for its top notch service, serviceable and discreet personnel, but also for its astonishing surroundings. No matter if you are coming to Split on business or you are on a tourist tour, the hotel Jadran is only a few minutes from the most important sites.

Surrounded by the most relevant cultural and natural contents, Jadran hotel is very near to the cultural and business center of the town, restaurants, marina, popular bars, picturesque green markets and historical monuments adorning the town under UNESCO protection, as well as all types of shops with a wide selection of varied products and souvenirs.

The hotel has 20 rooms, and 50 beds, a restaurant, conference hall and event hall, as well as a pertaining parking lot in front of the hotel.

Leave the world behind and find your haven in our comfortable oasis, relax and give in to the moment in an ambiance characterized by the Mediterranean spirit.

Jadran hotel is situated at one of the most beautiful coves peninsula of Split. It is at 1km distant from the renowned Diocletian’s palace, and is easily accessible going down the breathtaking and recently constructed West Coast and the famous seafront called “Riva”.

Above the hotel lies the southern hillside of the park-forest Marjan, while the open sea in front of it reveals the islands of Šolta, Čiovo and Brač.

Very close to the hotel lies the ACI marina Split which is separated from the hotel by the protected zone of park Sustipan which gets its special charm from the classicist pavilion preserved to this day.ROOMS

The hotel has 20 rooms, i.e. a capacity of 50 beds.

12 rooms have a park view, while 8 rooms have a sea view with a terrace ideal for morning coffee drinking or watching sunset in the evening.

Some rooms are interconnected by interior doors, giving you the possibility to be close to your friends or family during your stay at the hotel.

Every room has internet, cable tv and phone, as well as an air conditioner.

The bathroom inside the room is equipped with best quality sanitation facilities and accessories.

The hotel has a restaurant and a coffee bar at the terrace by the swimming pool and offers a service that will satisfy even the most demanding guests.

Whether you are coming to our hotel as a tourist or you are here on business, we are convinced that you will be very happy with us and come visit us again the first chance you get.LOCATION
If you are arriving by car

From the direction of Trogir / Split airport and Zagreb
Follow the traffic signs that lead to Split.
After the city entrance turn right at the second crossroad (Domovinskog rata and Hrvatske mornarice street).
Drive straight and you will pass the Marjan tunnel.
After the tunnel exit keep to the left at the first traffic light, then turn left towards the sea port at the second traffic light.
Turn right at the next crossroad and you will find yourself in front of Sustipan. On your left (east side) you will find the road for the ACI marina, and on your right (west) side you will see the turn for the hotel Jadran and your parking spot.

From the direction of Dubrovnik
When you enter Split, follow the signs for the city center and turn right at the third crossroad (Poljicka and Dubrovacka streets).
Drive straight down Dubrovacka street until the fourth crossroad (Dubrovacka and Domovinskog rata streets) and turn left.
Turn right on the next crossroad (Domovinskog rata and Hrvatske Mornarice streets).
Drive straight and you will pass the Marjan tunnel.
After the tunnel exit, keep to the left, then turn left towards the sea port on the second traffic light.
Turn right at the next crossroad and you will find yourself in front of Sustipan. On your left (east side) you will find the road for the ACI marina, and on your right (west) side you will see the turn for the hotel Jadran and your parking spot.

If you are arriving by boat, train or bus
The ferry port, train and bus station are situated along the coast right by the world
Walking towards the palace you will pass the beautiful seafront called Riva, and continuing in the same direction you will reach the amazing and recently constructed West Coast .
After a ten minute walk along the seafront you will reach your destination on your left, where Jadran hotel- your oasis of peace and pleasure - will be waiting for you.

Distances from the Hotel
  • Beach: 20 m
  • Center: 1,3 km (2 min walk)
  • Sea port / bus station / train station - 1,9 km(walk) or 5 km (by car)
  • Airport - 25 km
  • Closest supermarket - 1 km
  • Pharmacy - 300 m

We offer following activities and services:

- Hotel arrangements in Split region and whole Croatia
- Incoming
- Sightseeing
- Guide Service
- Congress/Seminar
- Tours
- Sport tours, preparations, tournaments and tranining camps for all Sports
- Student Trips
- Transfers

If you have any questions about our service or would like to receive more information about our activities please feel free to give us a call 00 385 (0)21 271040 or write to newsletter@smokvina.hr .
Customer satisfaction is our main objective, defined by quality and sustainability.
We are looking forward to a good cooperation.

Best regards

Hotel Jadran - SmokvinaTravel

Majstora Jurja 13, 21000 Split Hrvatska (Croatia)
tel: +385 21 271040 - fax: +385 21 271040 - skype: SmokvinaTravel
MB: 2123681 - OIB: 02419525960
ŽIRO RAČUN: 2340009-1110356129 - IBAN: HR8423400091510356908
Accommodation on Riviera Split
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Majstora Jurja 13

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