10.06.2014, Ljubljana
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vabimo vas na DIY-nojz-hekersko poslastico leta,
na Ljudmilo namreč prihaja ameriški synth-maker Peter Edwards, bolje
poznam pod imenom Casperelectronics. Predstavitvi
umetnika v torek, 10. junija ob 19. uri, bo dan kasneje sledila dvodnevna
teoretično-praktična delavnica izdelovanja OMSynth MiniLab sintisajzerjev.
Pohitite s prijavo, saj je število mest omejeno!
informacij spodaj.
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Ljudmilin digitalni obrok: Peter Edwards aka Casperelectronics
Torek, 10. junij ob 19h
Lokacija: Ljudmila, Rimska 8, Ljubljana
Peter Edwards je ameriški umetnik, glasbenik, izdelovalec inštrumentov in mentor, ki od leta 2000 raziskuje področje circuit bendinga in eksperimentalne elektronike ter ju v praksi združuje pod imenom Casperelectronics. Diplomirani kipar trenutno študira elektronsko glasbo in eksperimentalni interface design na Inštitutu za sonologijo v Haagu in na STEIMu v Amesterdamu. Oblikuje in izdeluje elektronska zvočila (kot je napirmer slavni Nova Drone) ter jih kot kite ponuja preko svoje spletne strani Casperelectronics. Redno poučuje tudi o principih hekanja strojne opreme (circuit bending) in objavlja vadnice o elektroniki za ameriško DIY tech revijo Make. Med drugim je s predavanji, delavnicami in nastopi gostoval na elitnih univerzah kot so MIT’s Media Lab, Hasbro Toys, Hampshire College, Skidmore College, New York University, Bloomfield University, Long Beach University, Georgie SOuthern University in na novomedijskih festivalih širom sveta, med drugim na festivalu Piksel (Bergen, Norveška), The OFFF Festival in Pixel Festival (Paris, Francija), Sequences Festival (Reykjavik, Islandija) ter vsako leto na Festivalu Bent (New York & LA, USA).
Delavnica izdelovanja OMSynth MiniLab sintisajzer
Delavnica, na kateri se lahko priučite osnov izdelovanja lastnih elektronskih nojz zvočil, s priznanim ameriškim ustvarjalcem Casperelectronics!
11. in 12. junij, od 17. – 21. ure
Lokacija: Ljudmila, Rimska 8, Ljubljana
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Na teoretično-praktični dvodnevni delavnici se bodo udeleženci spoznali z oblikovanjem in izdelavo elektronskih nojz zvočil ter pridobili zadostno znanje (in potreben hardware) za nadaljnjo eksperimentiranje in spoznavanje s širokim razponom delovanja dotičnih sintisajzerjev. Za udeležbo na delavnici ni potrebno predhodno znanje, dobrodošli so tako popolni amaterji kot izkušeni inženirji.
Delavnica bo razdeljena na tri dele:
Prvi dan
1. Izdelava OMSynth MiniLab synthesizer kita. Preprosta zasnova kita uporabniku omogoča hitro izdelavo pri čemer mu ostane več časa za igranje z enostavnimi vezji za produkcijo zvoka. Predstavljene bodo tudi osnove spajkanja in funkcije različnih elektronskih komponent.
2. Izdelava preprostega nojz generatorja, ki reagira na svetlobo. Na tej točki se bodo udeleženci spoznali z delovanjem svojega OMSynth MiniLab sinta, ki za proizvajanje zvoka potrebuje le nekaj osnovnih elektronskih komponent. Predstavljene bodo tudi osnove delovanja elektrike in oscilatorjev.
Drugi dan
3. Udeleženci bodo z uporabo operacijskih ojačevalcev in logičnih čipov izdelali svoje lastno “custom-made“ vezje. Debata bo tekla o električni teoriji in nadrobnem obnašanju elektronskih komponent.
Prijava in kotizacija
Prispevek za dvodnevno delavnico (skupaj 8 ur) je 30 €. Cena predstavlja izključno stroške materiala, izdelki iz delavnice ostanejo v vaši lasti. Delavnica bo potekala v angleškem jeziku, predhodno znanje ni potrebno. Prijave zbiramo na delavnica@ljudmila.org do zapolnitve mest. Na voljo bo tudi nekaj dodatnih OMSynth MiniLab kitov po malce višji ceni (50-60€), za tiste, ki se delavnice ne morete udeležiti. Nadobudni udeleženci lahko po želji s seboj prinesejo dodatne elektronske komponente (še posebej so zaželjeni CMOS čipi).
* * *
Dear subscriber,
are proud to announce the first Slovene appearance of musical instrument
designer and circuit-bender Peter Edwards, better known
under the name Casperelectronics. The artist talk
will take place on Tuesday, June 10th at 7pm and will be followed by a
two day theoretical/practical/prototyping workshop of hackable synths. The
places are limited so hurry with the registration and don't
miss the most DIYish-noisy-hacking thing of the year!
Digital Dish: Peter Edwards aka Casperelectronics
Tuesday 10th of June // 7pm
Artist talk by Peter Edwards
Location: Ljudmila, Rimska 8, Ljubljana
Peter Edwards is an American artist, musician, and teacher. He has been exploring the field of circuit bending and experimental musical electronics since 2000 through his business Casperelectronics. He performs regularly under the same name. Edwards received a BFA in sculpture from The Rhode Island School of Design in 2000 and is currently studying electronic music and experimental interface design as a Masters student at the Institute of Sonology and at STEIM in Amsterdam NL. In 2005 he developed the creative electronics department at Hampshire College. He currently designs musical electronic instruments which are sold as kits through his website casperelectronics.com and regularly teaches circuit bending classes at technology festivals internationally and writes electronics tutorials for American DIY tech magazine Make.
Edwards has performed, taught workshops and spoken on the topic of circuit bending and creative electronics at MIT’s Media Lab, Hasbro Toys, Hampshire College, Skidmore College, New York University, Bloomfield University, Long Beach University, Georgie SOuthern University and at new media festivals around the world including The Piksel Festival (Bergen, Norway), The OFFF Festival and Pixel Festival (Paris, France), Sequences Festival (Reykjavik, Iceland) and yearly at the Bent Festival (New York & LA, USA). Peter currently lives in The Haag in The Netherlands and is studying with composer and physicist Joel Ryan and master synthesizer designer Rob Hordijk.
OMSynth MiniLab synthesizer workshop
June 11th and 12th, 5–9pm
Location: Ljudmila, Rimska 8, Ljubljana
In this 3 part workshop we will cover the basics of designing and building our own custom electronic noise machines. By the end of this workshop each participant will have a personalized instrument to take home that they have designed as well as the skills and hardware necessary to continue exploring new designs.
All skill levels are welcome in this workshop from the absolute beginner to the experienced engineer.
All materials will be provided but participants are encouraged to bring tools and supplies of their own if they like.
Schedule: This workshop has 3 parts spread over 2 days.
Day 1
1. Assemble an OMSynth miniLab synthesizer prototyping kit. This kit has been designed to allow inventors to quickly and easily build and play with simple sound making circuits. This is achieved by providing all of the general building blocks they will need such as a power supply and audio amplifier. The inventor can then put their focus into exploring sound making circuitry rather than struggling with all of the important but ultimately unexciting support circuits. This stage will introduce participants to the basics of soldering and electrical component behaviour.
2. Build a simple light controlled noise generator. This stage is in introduction to how the OMSynth MiniLab works and how just a few components can be used to start making sound. In this stage we will cover the basics of electricity and oscillator operation.
Day 2
Design your own sound circuit using op amps and logic chips. In this workshop we will go over a variety of simple circuits that can be combined and tweaked to design a custom instrument. In this stage we will discuss electrical theory as well as electrical component behaviour in more depth.
MiniLab tech specs:
•Battery and/or wall powered +&- 5 VDC power supply
•3 channel audio mixer
•1 Watt audio amplifier and built in speaker and ¼” audio output jack
•5 modular potentiometers
•3 modular DPDT latching pushbuttons
Contribution for two day workshop (8 hours) is 30 €. All expenses for materials are included, workshop product remains in your possession. Workshop will be in English language, the number of participants is limited, so please apply/announce yourself to: delavnica@ljudmila.org. No previous skills are needed. Newbies are welcome. Some additional OMSynth MiniLab kits will be available for non-participants (~60€).
Ekipa Ljudmile // Ljudmila team
Društvo Ljudmila, laboratorij za znanost in umetnost
Ljudmila, Art and science laboratory
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Umetniški in izobraževalni program Društva Ljudmila, laboratorija za znanost in umetnost in koprodukcije z Zavodom Projekt Atol podpirata Ministrstvo za kulturo Republike Slovenije in MOL – Oddelek za kulturo //
The educational and art programme at Ljudmila Society, Laboratory for science and arts, and co-productions with Projekt Atol Institute are both supported by the Slovene Ministry of Culture and MOL – Department of Culture.
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