28.07.2014, Ljubljana
Geometrija in rokopis
2 9 . 7 . – 2 . 1 1 . 2 0 1 4
V torek, 29. julija 2014, vas ob 20. uri vabimo v Mednarodni grafični likovni center na odprtje razstave ANDREJ JEMEC Geometrija in rokopis 1967–1983.
Razstava se osredotoča na obdobje od leta 1967 do leta 1983 in z zanimivimi in pomembnimi dopolnitvami kaže idejni kontekst, s pomočjo katerega lahko sledimo umetnikovemu analitičnemu pristopu in odkrivanju tehnoloških značilnosti takrat še relativno nove grafične tehnike sitotiska. Na razstavi so predstavljene sočasne risbe, jedkanice in akvatinte, slike, mobilni objekti in kolaži. Dela razkrivajo umetnikovo raziskovalno vnemo po obvladovanju posameznega izraznega medija in njihovem medsebojnem nadgrajevanju v premišljeno strukturirano in likovno izčiščeno celoto, ki je še posebno aktualna v današnjem času, polnem medijske raznovrstnosti, impulzivnih idej ter hipnih in začasnih rešitev.
Modrina, 1969
sitotisk, 64 x 75 cm
Geometry And Handwriting
2 9 . 7 . – 2 . 1 1 . 2 0 1 4
You are cordially invited to attend the opening of the exhibition ANDREJ JEMEC Geometry and handwriting 1967–1983 on Tuesday, 29 July 2014, at 8 p.m., at the International Centre of Graphic Arts.
The exhibition focuses on a specific period, from 1967 to 1983 to be precise, and with interesting and relevant supplementations shows a conceptual context through which we can trace the artist’s analytical approach and discover the technological features of the silkscreen printmaking technique, which was still relatively new at the time. The exhibition of colour silkscreens by Andrej Jemec that affords a view into the artist’s drawings, etchings and aquatints, paintings, mobile objects and collages produced during the given period, reveals his investigative zeal in mastering each expressive medium as well as their reciprocal sublimation into a thoughtfully structured and visually purified whole, which is particularly topical for today’s times, brimming with media diversity, impulsiveness of ideas, as well as momentary and fleeting solutions.
Blueness, 1969
silkscreen, 64 x 75 cm
Mednarodni grafični likovni center
International Centre of Graphic Arts
Grad Tivoli • Pod turnom 3 • SI - 1000 Ljubljana
T: + 386 1 241 38 00 • info@mglc-lj.si • www.mglc-lj.si
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