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DAVID MACMILLAN to receive a Career Achievement Award from Hollywood's most prestigious Cinema Audio Society (CAS)
28.08.2014, tujina

In case you are not viewing, access here. It is a great honour for us to congratulate DAVID MACMILLAN, as he has been invited to receive a Career Achievement Award from Hollywood's most prestigious Cinema Audio Society (CAS). CAS governs and recognizes all things in the art of cinematic sound recording and with 3 Academy Awards, 1 Bafta, 1 Emmy nomination and a career spanning 40 years with over 80 major motion pictures, this highest honor is a well deserved recognition. Congratulations DAVID! David is one of our experts in the workshops we organize, and to celebrate this award we will be offering a special 20% Discount for participants who register until the 6th of September for his Sound Mixing Workshop in London UK on the 11th and 12th of October This will be an unique opportunity to develop your skills in Sound for Film with a 3 times Oscar Winner. You will have an educational experience of excellence, with David Macmillan who was responsible for the sound of films such as Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, Apolo 13, Speed, The Right Stuff, Natural Born Killers, The Life of David Gale, and many more For more information and to register please visit our webpage on http://www.filmlab.fest.pt/upcoming_workshop.php?workshop_id=34 This 2 days intensive workshop will take place in London UK and will be a great opportunity to learn the best techniques in the subject, The workshop has a price of 399GBP, but we are offering a 20% Discount for participants who register until the 6th of September, costing only 320GBP per person for the two days. The workshop is strictly limited to 25 participants, we advise to register fast to guarantee your place. For more information and to register please visit our webpage on www.filmlab.fest.pt About David Macmillan David is one of the most important sound department experts in the world, David won 3 Oscars for his work on The Right Stuff, Apollo 13, and Speed. Some of his other film credits include Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, Flatliners, Point Break, The Firm, Natural Born Killers, Nixon, The 40 Year Old Virgin, Twilight, The Proposal, and many others. David has worked with, and done sound mixing for the best directors of our time, Steven Spielberg, Francis Ford Coppola, Sydney Pollack, Oliver Stone, Ron Howard, Tony Scott, Lawrence Kasdan, Alan Parker, Joel Schumacher, Kathryn Bigelow, Nora Ephron, and many others. Born in Northern Ireland, David emigrated to Canada with his family, where he apprenticed at The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. Then, as fate would have it, he met Francis Ford Coppola while working on a documentary in San Francisco, and was hired to wire Coppola’s studio. David worked there for 3 years and Coppola facilitated David getting both his Green Card and his Union Card. Workshop Description Film makers have always understood the power that Sound and Music have to enhance story telling. Silent films had no dialogue or sound effects, but used organists and occasionally live orchestras along with effects created by in theatre specialists to strengthen the emotional effect of the film. We will take an overview of how film has changed from silents to todays multi speaker systems like Dolby Atmos. The road to recognition for film makers is in submitting their films to festivals and competitions etc. but the jury will immediately reject them if the sound is bad. The purpose of this workshop is to understand the power of good sound, and the pocesses necessary to realize this. David will talk about his work, his recording philosophy, his methodology and show examples from his previous films. He will discuss how the film business has changed,the growing power of television and with the budgets being squeezed, how recording has to deal with a new set of factors, like multiple cameras with various lens sizes, the use of multi track recording and the limited shooting schedules with consequences for all departments. Participants will look at different types of recorders, RF mikes and mixers available for location recording. The different boom mikes available and when to use them will also be a topic. Boom mikes always preferred, they should always be available and open on the set. We will spend a few hours demonstrating how to wire actors, the methods used to hide transmitters and mikes, and how to work around noisy cloathing, skimpy women’s wear/or none, noisy atmosphere and the multi challenges we face in our efforts to get good usable sound. He will stress the importance of acknowledging actors preparations for their roles and how important it is to anticipate sound problems and to have solutions thought out beforehand so one doesn’t have to fuss with actors and interrupt their focus. We will see how dialogue, sound effects, musical score, songs and post sound mixing all come together to create 50% of the film experience. Who is this aimed at? The workshop designed for Directors, Sound Mixers, Sound Recordists, Boom Operators, Sound Editors, Film Students, or anyone interested in entering the Film Business on the area of Sound. 16 hours Duration: 2 days Dates: 11-12 October 2014 Location: London UK Price: 399GBP, (320GBP with discount of 20% Until 6th September) Maximum number of participants: 25 Contact: filmlab@fest.pt For more information and to register please visit our webpage on www.filmlab.fest.pt If you have any questions please let us know All best FEST FILM LAB WWW.FILMLAB.FEST.PT filmlab@fest.pt Enviar a um amigo - You are recieving this email due to the relation woth FEST AC through your e-mail mcp@siol.net. To cancel this email acess here. Em caso d, d

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