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Globetrotter - September 2014
16.09.2014, slovenija

September 2014 Volunteer in Africa Sadly, there are hundreds of children wandering the streets, their only other prospects being either in an empty house or at "home" where violence and drunken abuse tend to be the norm. more Cook's Islands If you get to New Zealand it's hard not to imagine jumping on one of the smaller islands nearby. The air fare is much cheaper than going from there from home. more Beautiful, bonito, bella Bovec Autumn and winter in Bovec are a relaxing time to visit, but the view is just beautiful the whole year. Either with snowy or sunny days it is always worth the visit. more Morocco, the land of the setting sun The name Morocco originates from the name of the former capital city of the land - the city of Marrakesh. Today the country has just over 33 million of population. more Fairytale Izola - Slovenia We were pleasently surprised upon arrival to this fairytale like coastal town. Neither of us really new the town, or to be honest, didn't know it at all, just like most of the people in Slovenia. more The Idyllic Logar Valley - Slovenia As the summer draws to a close and days of study approach, I set out with two of my friends towards the region of Solčavsko, on a motorcycle trip towards the Logar Valley. more Tourist destination Kranjska Gora The lively adventures of the Julian Alps are waiting for you in Kranjska Gora. There are countless adventures you can try, from an active holiday to a peaceful discovering of nature. more Top Island Escapes Are the updates from your friends' holiday pictures making you and your phone jealous? Don't be jealous, get even and take a trip to one of these status update ready islands. more Copenhagen for backpackers Food, drinks, transportation and accommodation in Copenhagen are very expensive. So how can you enjoy the city without emptying your pockets? more A Window into Irish Culture & Music Do you have Dublin on your list of places to see and love Irish Traditional Music? Temple Bar TradFest is the perfect Dublin break for you! more Culture and heritage in Germany Germany boasts numerous UNESCO World Heritage Sites, making it a favoured travel destination for individuals, families, school classes and university students alike who yearn to discover the world history. more Galleries and Museums around Europe - part II Galleries and museums are the most visited places in Europe with millions of people visiting every year. Some are friendlier to the limited traveller's wallet, some must not be missed. more She quit her job to become a freelance writer "Travel has made me less materialistic, more open-minded and quicker to gain perspective", says Frankie, traveler and freelance writer. more Attractive during every season - Dolomites Dolomites are a part of the Alps and are a true heaven for all mountain lovers - no matter what the season. From rock climbing, hiking, to naturally skiing ... more The land of strange laws Utah is a land of strange laws, beautiful landscapes and various national parks, featuring many seemingly endless roads, with the famous Salt Lake City. more When Alieti charms you. It is a century old town house in the street called Dvoriščna ulica. It is where the hostel Alieti stands. The original staircase is the only reminder of how old the house really is. more Green Karst - Slovenia Nature and karst phenomena are main highlights of the Green Karst. The stone landscape is shaped by water, which carves through the stone creating unique landscape. more Autumn in Slovenia Slovenia is a great destination for both individual travellers and groups. In the autumn we present you the hostels, which can offer your groups the sport facilities for practice and training... more Meet the new hostels in Brazil Comfort, quality and affordable prices. These are the main characteristics of the local HI Hostel Brazil, which already has more than 90 associates around the country. more Hong Kong - the city of surprises Hong Kong has always been famous for being an international financial centre, but the thing many people don't know is its amazing diversity which can delight almost every type of person. more New Hostel in Israel HI-Haifa Hostel which will be opened in summer 2015 is located in a great location in the south part of the city Haifa, facing the Mediterranean Sea. more Special discount in Swiss Hostels Why not suddenly decide to book a last-minute long weekend or a week's holiday? It could not be easier. 41 Youth Hostels are looking forward to extending a welcome to you this autumn. Profit by up to 33% discount! more This email was sent to you by info@youth-hostel.si on behalf of Hostelling international Slovenija - Popotniško združenje Slovenije. You can simply remove yourself from our web on this page!

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