23.09.2014, Tujina
projects@evsexperience.net / www.evsexperience.net
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Training course about art & recycling
To be partner of this project, you need to send your MANDATE (click here to download) and partner INFO DOCUMENT (click here to download) via e-mail.
Our project’s main aim is emphasising of how important recycling and art in our lifes. We are applying for October 2014 deadline and will meet at Kizilcahamam/Ankara in April 2015.
First of all, we will discuss about recycling and art. Because we intend to put art in people’s life by using recycling products with an artistic view. So people will care more about enviroment, and they will use art in their lives. We will give some informations about recylcart and examples in real life. After that we will give basic art training (main points of plastic arts like perspective, light and shadow, tonality, colors) to participants for making their products with wastes. During this project, some parts of country house in Kizilcahamam will be restored with waste glasses. On the other hand, one group of participants will work with native population of Kizilcahamam to produce their artworks which are made wastes. İn addition, all participants will have opportunity to have their own products. For example they will be able to use technicals of drawing, photograph or techicals of sculpture. Finally all participants will have two artworks, and we will exhibit our Works in Kizilcahamam last day…
How can your organization take place?
You need to send your Partnership Mandate via e-mail as Word document and as PDF document with signature and stamp. Organizers will give feedback to you as soon as possible...
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Financial conditions
There isn't participation fee in this project. Travel costs will be reimburse according to Erasmus+ Programme guide. Accomodation, meals and activity costs will be covered by hosting group. So, we can say,it is free :)
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Recycling can save the mother earth!
Let's meet in Kizilcahamam/Ankara - Turkey to learn new methods about reuse wastes in the field of art...
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