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Globetrotter - October 2014
15.10.2014, Slovenija

October 2014 Dare to travel! Igor and Dominika Osvald are travellers that travelled for 7 years. On their trip they got to know themselves and each other and realized that it's better to live humbly. more Volunteer on Malta The NSTF is looking for someone, who has a bit more time. 6 to 12 months mainly during from October till May. Those are their busiest months. However, they accept volunteers in summer also. more Between Washington and New York - part II If you remember, the last time I stopped after describing Annapolis, Philadelphia and Baltimore, where, where I paused on my way towards Washington D.C.. more Hungarian capital The Hungarian capital, which is split in two by the might Danube River, is the European city with most UNESCO heritage sights. It thrills with beautiful bridges, buildings, parks, friendly people and many sights. more Velenje - city of youth Velenje, the largest town in the Šaleška valley is one of the most economically developed industrial centres of Slovenia today. Praise for such development goes to many economic and non-economic organizations. more What happens in Tresor, stays in Tresor We present "frontman" of Hostel Tresor Ljubljana, Gregor. He says smiling and satisfied guests "create" a well informed and experienced staff. The atmosphere in the hostel is very relaxed... more October - a Month for the Groups! October is the time when we harvest grapes and a time that gets plenty of sun throughout the day but is a bit fresh in the mornings and in the evenings. more New discounts for HI travelers The Museum of Altamira and the Spanish Youth Hostel Association The Museum of Altamira (Cantabria, Spain) and the Spanish Youth Hostel Association (REAJ) sign a cooperation agreement to promote cultural tourism. more Great Canadian Road Trip Tips We're getting into road trip season in Canada and this country has some of the most incredible, beautiful, amazing road trip routes you can find anywhere on the planet. more Back to nature! HI hostels in Finland offer a wide range of accommodation all year round for visitors who want to experience the unique Finnish nature. more A different Barcelona I do not have very fond memories of guided city tours, so I did my best to stay away from any organised walks ever since our last high school excursion. Until this year's trip to Barcelona, that is. more Volunteer work in Thailand Have you ever considered to spend half a year among tigers. caring for them and achieving mutual respect with an endangered species? Here's your chance! more Me and grandma in Greece Apart from all the famous islands: Lefkas, Kos, Crete, Rhodes, Santorini,. Greece has a lot more to offer. There are great beaches, the coastline is over 13.000km long, the sea is crystal clear, the people are friendly, ... more Uršlja gora One of the most visited peaks in Slovenia is without a doubt Uršlja gora, also known by many as Plešivec. Rising to seventeen hundred meters, it is the easternmost part of the Karavanke Alpine massive. more Active autumn in Idrija Geopark Alongside the well-preserved heritage, Idrija and its surroundings offer much more: diverse and unspoilt nature and an abundance of cultural tradition in the town and nearby countryside. more Hostel Celje to introduce new quality system MC Hostel Celje is one of the eleven hostels that are part of a youth centre and one of those, whose story inspires. It has both innovative boarding and content. more wellnessHostel4000 The hostel combines the typical laidback ambiance and low prices of a youth hostel with the exacting requirements of modern wellness and fitness facilities. more At the foothills of the Alps Lenggries Youth Hostel is the ideal starting point for all kinds of summer and winter sports. Light-flooded, homely, simply chic - that's how the freshly renovated Youth Hostel at Lenggries in Bavaria presents itself. more Genoa Youth Hostel Genoa youth hostel is located about 3 km from the old center of the city, in a quiet residential area, well served by public transport, connecting the hostel to the city center. more YHA Snowdon Pen-y-Pass Children from Beddgelert Primary School have helped declare YHA Snowdon Pen-y-Pass officially re-open after its £1.3 million refurbishment. more This email was sent to you by info@youth-hostel.si on behalf of Hostelling international Slovenija - Popotniško združenje Slovenije. You can simply remove yourself from our web on this page!

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