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Globetrotter - December 2014
16.12.2014, Slovenija

December 2014 Slovenia in 10 days - part I Jono Cusack came to Slovenia as The Big Blog Exchange winner. Hostelling International Slovenia made a plan to make sure that Jono sees as much of our beautiful country as possible. more For a unique experiance abroad! Does the want awaken in you from time to time, to leave the comfortable home nest and go into the world? Discover, explore new parts of this world, cultures and habits, meet new people, learn a new language.? more Iran - something special Before I embarked on my journey to the Islamic Republic of Iran, I've read many information about the land. Through the forum I've also met a fellow traveller - Simon Jelenko. more Across the southern Czech Republic - part II The numbers in the car showed we drove for 1000km and five cities were seen, by the time I woke up, full of hopes, into a sunny morning of the fourth day of traveling. more Monte Santo di Lussari - Italy Svete Višarje or also known under the Italian name Monte Santo di Lussari is in the western Julian Alps. At the elevation of 1766m there is also a village, which is an attraction on its own. more Begunjščica - Slovenia Begunjščica is a paradise for lovers of ravines, as it really has many of them. They are most popular while there is enough snow in them and the circumstances are just perfect. more Animal Magic Australia Whether they are jumping for food on the appropriately-named Spectacular Jumping Crocodile Cruise, or gliding silently through the wetlands at Yellow Water Billabong, seeing a crocodile up close is a primal experience. more Better sports hostel Our hostel Villach with its 135 beds is located in the Villach neighborhood St. Martin nearby numerous sports and recreation facilities and only 20 minutes driving distance away from Italy and Slovenia. more Superagui Hostel Located on the Brazilian coast, the Superagui Hostel offers a unique experience for those who visit the little island of Superagui. Situated in a fisher's village, 50 meters from the beach where contact with nature is guaranteed. more Christmas in Copenhagen Tivoli is a popular Amusement Park located in Copenhagen. It is one of the most visited amusement parks in Europe, attracting millions of visitors. more The guide to Europe's Christmas markets Sleigh bells have just about started ringing, so it's time to get excited about those jolly trans-European trips to make merry and stock up on gifts. Enjoy our HI pick of top cities for Christmas markets this year. more Slovene won Big Blog Exchange Nina Kogej, vivacious traveler, full of energy, was not really putting the big hopes up on success in the competition for the Big Blog Exchange. But she applied anyway. more Finding Christmas It's getting ever colder, in many countries the first snow has already fallen and we're all walking around like dressed-up snowmen and -women. This means that Christmas is about to begin. more The 'sorry-culture' in Glasgow One thing I noticed throughout Glasgow, a habit that seemed to be very common, was apologizing, or rather, saying the word sorry, all the time. A little too much, I thought. more Thailand - the country of smiles - part II I guess most of you heard of the Bangkok Hilton movie, where you can follow the discovery of drugs and where that leads to. Real life is not as dramatic as that, still you should always be cautious. more Koralps - Austria Koralps are a beloved skiing resort, both for downhill skiers and boarders, as for cross country and tour skiers. Many people visit them in the summer as well, for the unspoiled nature. more The Flatlands of White Carniola What hides in the White Carniola other than Metliška črnina (the Metlika Black; a kind of dry red wine, based on the Lemberger grapes) and spirits from Slovene folklore. more Grindelwald Hostel in Switzerland Best of the Alps - have fun in the Grindelwald hostel! It is undoubtedly one of the most comfortable hostels in the Alps. The welcoming cosiness has remained, but modern bedrooms and practical facilities have been added. more New Hostel in Madrid The Spanish Youth Hostels Association (REAJ) keeps growing day by day, offering to their users more than 260 hostels that are spread over all Spanish regions, covering the main tourist places. more First Snow Fest Sarajevo! "Project Snow Fest Sarajevo #01" has a task to attract foreign tourists during the winter tourist season in the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina at the Olympic mountains Bjelasnica and Igman. more 1000 years of Leipzig First documented in 1015, this Saxon metropolis is nowadays known as a city of music, of commerce and as the starting point of the Peaceful Revolution. more Tourism in Israel's Negev Desert It used to be that a flash flood was reason enough to get away from an area, but for many locals and tourists in the Israel's Negev Desert area, the picture of seeing a dry, golden desert landscape almost instantaneously transformed into a rushing, roaring river is too great. more This email was sent to you by info@youth-hostel.si on behalf of Hostelling international Slovenija - Popotniško združenje Slovenije. You can simply remove yourself from our web on this page!

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