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EUSA Newsletter 03/2015
03.04.2015, Slovenija+tujina

EUSA Conference 2015 The EUSA Conference 2015, organised by the European University Sports Association (EUSA), in cooperation with the Croatian Academic Sports Federation (CASF), Organisers of the European Universities Games Zagreb-Rijeka 2016 and partners, opened on Friday, March 27, 2015 in Zagreb, Croatia. Welcome speeches were given by the President of the Croatian Academic Sports Federation (CASF) Mr Zrinko Custonja, the President of the European University Sports Association (EUSA) Mr Adam Roczek, the President of the International University Sports Federation (FISU) Mr Claude-Louis Gallien and the Assistant Minister of Science, Education and Sports Mr Tomislav Paskvalin. Representatives of the African and Asian Continental University Sports Federations also addressed the audience. Over 180 participants, coming from 34 countries from all over Europe, also with guests from overseas, are taking part in the Conference. Among these are also the members of the FISU Executive Committee, representatives of the cities of Zagreb and Rijeka, representatives of the Universities, Olympic Committees, EUSA partner organisations and other guests and other participants. The plenary sessions are chaired by Mr Leonz Eder, EUSA Vice-President. The first plenary session was focused on the European Universities Games, where the concept and history of EUSA and the sports events, introduced by EUSA President Mr Roczek and Secretary General Mr Matjaz Pecovnik. Special attention was given on the past edition of the 2nd European Universities Games Rotterdam 2014, significant also for the recognition and support from the Erasmus+ programme for non-profit sports events. On behalf of the Organisers of the European Universities Games 2016, Mr Haris Pavletic presented the concept of the Zagreb-Rijeka 2016 event, and the plans of the events in the two cities. Creating Legacy was the second plenary session on Friday, addressing the question of what legacy can be associated with university sport events; what was the legacy of the Zagreb Universiade and what is the planned legacy of the 2016 EUSA Games. Mr Claude-Louis Gallien, President of the International University Sports Federation (FISU) opened the plenary, with the introduction on the history and concept of the Universiades and shared some good examples of strong legacy projects of the past events, specifically referring also to the 1987 Zagreb Summer Universiade. The President of the European University Sports Association Mr Adam Roczek introduced the basic aims of EUSA and its sports events through the cooperation strategies and plans, and the importance to reflect the needs of EUSA as the licence-holder, the local organisers and community and also very important stakeholder - the participants themselves. The plenary was concluded by the presentation of the legacy plans of the European Universities Games Zagreb-Rijeka 2016, given by Mr Gordan Kozulj, Secretary General of the Organising Committee. He pointed out the strengths of the Games which were already set out in the bidding process, strategically planning not only the quality execution of the event, but also introducing new ideas, like inclusion of sports for students with disabilities, which will remain also in the future editions. More information President of EUSA visits EUC venues in Hungary - 03 March 2015 02-03 After attending the General Assembly of the Hungarian University Sports Federation (HUSF) and the reception in Budapest, Mr Adam Roczek, President of the European University Sports Association (EUSA) paid a visit to the venues of next European Universities Championships in Hungary. 2nd Online European Universities Bridge Trophy starts - 03 March 2015 03-03 In March, the 2nd Online European Universities Bridge Trophy on BBO (EUSA and EBL competition) started. The Trophy is a knock out competition, played online between universities. The schedule is determined by draw and university teams consist pf 4-6 players, with a nominated team captains. Matches of 16-32 boards will be played. EUSA at ISCA's 2015 seminar and workshops - 11 March 2015 04-03 On the invitation of the International Sport and Culture Association (ISCA), European University Sports Association (EUSA) was represented by its Communications and Projects Manager Mr Andrej Pisl, who attended their seminar with workshops in Sofia, Bulgaria between March 6 and 8, 2015. General Assembly of the Swiss University Sport Federation 2015 - 13 March 2015 05-03 The Swiss University Sport Federation (SUSF) participated at the 2nd European Universities Games 2014 in Rotterdam with 154 student athletes, 20 coaches and officials plus 5 referees, composed from 13 University teams. The Swiss teams won 12 medals in total, including 9 medals in rowing, 2 in volleyball and 1 in basketball. Zagreb ready to host the EUSA Conference 2015 - 17 March 2015 08-03 Zagreb, the Croatian capital, will host the EUSA Conference 2015 and other EUSA events between March 26 and 29. Within the events programme, the European University Sports Association will held the Executive Committee Meeting on March 26, EUSA Conference and Convention on March 27 and 28. EUSA Audit meeting 2015 - 18 March 2015 09-03 EUSA Auditors Mr Zoltan Rakaczki and Mr Marian Matac Liviu met with EUSA Secretary General Mr Matjaz Pecovnik and Treasurer Mr Olaf Tabor for the annual Audit meeting, which was held on March 17 in Munich, at the office of EUSA Treasurer. EUSA Exhibition hosted in Rijeka - 20 March 2015 10-03 EUSA Exhibition on University Sport in Europe is currently being hosted in Rijeka, one of the host cities of the European Universities Games 2016. The official opening of the Exhibition was held on Monday, March 16, 2015 at the main Campus of the University of Rijeka. 2015 Leadership Conference and ASA Winter Championships - 24 March 2015 13-03 On the invitation of Israeli Academic Sport Association (ASA), EUSA President Mr Adam Roczek paid a visit to Israel in order to attend the annual Leadership Conference. This year's edition of the Conference gathered more than 70 students representing student union of Israeli Universities. Youth training in Slovenia addresses also employment in sport - 25 March 2015 14-03 Association of Student Clubs of Slovenia (SKIS) hosted the training for youth workers, educators and trainers between March 9 and 16, 2015 in Bled, Slovenia. The aim of the project was to educate a group of young people from different countries, equip them with soft skills training and empower them for quality knowledge transfer in their organisations, to encourage intercultural bonding and tackle the problem of youth employment through nonformal learning principles. Successful inspection visit EUC Volleyball 2015 in Camerino - 26 March 2015 15-03 EUSA Technical Delegate Mr Joerg Foerster visited the University of Camerino, host of the 2015 European Universities Volleyball Championship, to check facilities and preparations of the event from technical point of view. After a welcome meeting with the Rector of the University of Camerino, prof. dr. Flavio Corradini, Mr. Foerster had the chance to meet the representatives of the different working groups. EUSA Executive Committee welcomed in Zagreb - 26 March 2015 16-03 The Executive Committee of the European University Sports Association (EUSA) held the first part of its first meeting in 2015 in Zagreb, Croatia on March 26, 2015. The meeting was acknowledged and welcomed not only by the hosts, the national university sports body - Croatian Academic Sports Federation (CASF) and the Organisers of the European Universities Games Zagreb-Rijeka 2016, but also by several authorities. EUSA Gala 2015 - 29 March 2015 17-03 The EUSA events in Croatian capital Zagreb, held between March 26-29, 2015 – Executive and Student Commission meetings, EUSA Conference, EUSA Convention and inspection visits, concluded with the special EUSA Gala, held on Saturday evening. Over 200 participants and invited guests gathered at the Hotel Panorama in Zagreb, to celebrate past achievements and receive the formal recognition of their efforts and success. EUSA Convention for EUG2016 - 31 March 2015 18-03 As already mentioned, Zagreb hosted between March 26 and 29, 2015 several EUSA events, and one of them was specifically related to the technical part and preparation for the European Universities Games Zagreb-Rijeka 2016 – the EUSA Convention. The Convention brought together Technical delegates of the European University Sports Association and the local sports managers of all 23 sports to be featured at the next year’s Games in Zagreb and Rijeka... EUSA signs partnership agreements with ECU and IDO - 31 March 2015 19-03 European University Sports Association (EUSA) recognising the importance of strong partnerships in order to develop and promote university sport in Europe and we are happy to announce that two new partnerships have been officiated at the occasion of the EUSA Convention and Conference in Zagreb, on March 28, 2015. EUSA Magazine 2014 published - 31 March 2015 20-03 European University Sports Association (EUSA) has published the annual edition of its magazine - the European University Sports Association Year Magazine 2014. In the magazine, published with the extended contents and layout, also reflecting the new visual identity of the organisation, you will be able to find the welcome address by the EUSA President, current information on the structure of EUSA, including its member associations, Executive Committee, the Commissions and the Secretariat. FISU Section FISU Section Campus #32 available online - 02 March 2015 01-03 The 32nd edition of Campus Sport, TV show produced in cooperation of the International University Sports Federation (FISU) and the Eurosport, is now available also online. The latest release was shown end of february. The shows are aired on Eurosport channels in the evenings; please see www.fisu.net, www.eurosport.com or your local TV guide for exact times. FASU EC Meeting 2015 and Cultural Programme - 15 March 2015 06-03 Under the leadership of President Dr Malumbete Ralethe, the FASU Executive Committee met on March 13, 2015, at Addis Ababa University for a preparatory meeting prior to the General Assembly. At this occasion EUSA President Mr Adam Roczek thanked the board of the Federation of Africa University Sports (FASU) for having invited him and EUSA Vice-President Mr Leonz Eder to participate at this meeting. 2015 FASU Elective General Assembly in Addis Ababa - 15 March 2015 07-03 The General Assembly of FASU, the Federation of Africa University Sports, was held in Addis Ababa, the Capital of Ethiopia on February 14, 2015 and was attended by 24 members out of the total membership of 26 countries. This was considered as a huge success for FASU and its Executive Committee. Invitation FISU Conference Summer Universiade 2015 - 23 March 2015 11-03 While the EUSA Conference 2015 will start in a few days in Zagreb, Croatia, the FISU Summer Universiade Conference, which will be held in Gwangju, Republic of Korea, from 11 to 14 July 2015, is still accepting abstracts for submission and registration of participants. The Conference already promises a high level of keynote presentations; with the main theme on the Impact of University Sport on the Global Community. AUSF established Education and Development Centre - 23 March 2015 12-03 Asian University Sports Federation (AUSF) established AUSF Education and Development Centre, which was initiated and endorsed during the AUSF General Assembly held in China last year. The first meeting of the Board of the Centre was held in the Capital University of Physical Education and Sports (CUPES), Beijing, China on March 15, 2015. What's up! Section - Student Column What's up! Section - Student Column Historic and Modern Day Sport A lot has changed in the world of sport since its introduction to society. However, certain individuals would argue that the principals and values of sport have stayed the same. In today’s modern day society it is fair to say sport is a world-wide past time enjoyed by many and the influence of sport can shape countries and cultures both economically and socially. Sport has the power to grip society and harness a worldwide audience. The Olympic Games and Football World Cup are watched by millions worldwide and more recently ‘El Classico’, Barcelona vs Real Madrid, was viewed by just under 100,000 individuals in the stadium alone, not to mention all those who watched the match from the comfort of their own home or in a social space with friends. In this edition of “What’s Up” we will look over a range of different aspects of sport and see if there has been change or continuity throughout the world of sport as we know it. Competitions Competitions have drastically changed in terms of size and the level of participants since they were fist officially introduced. However, the concept has roughly stayed the same- an individual, or group of individuals, competing against each other in order to win. If we take the EUSA Games as an example, Cordoba hosted the first ever EUSA Games in 2012. The Championship was a land mark event for EUSA and kick started the legacy that we now enjoy as students, officials and organisers every two years. From the first games in Cordoba to last summer’s Games in Rotterdam we have seen an increase in participants and we can see that the level of competition within University sport is always getting better. The main change within any modern competition in sport, for a lot of individuals, is the sheer scale of the event. It is great to see so many countries host massive events like the Olympics and the National European Games but are we in danger of making future large scale sporting events too complicated or indeed financially impossible? Maybe, but one thing is for sure - they are a great event to be part of! Social Aspect For me personally, sport is a great way to interact and make friends. This is something which I feel has not changed and will be ever present in the world of sport. It doesn’t matter if you participate in sport for recreational or competitive needs, socialising will always take place and be present when you share a common interest such as sport. Even in an individual sporting event you will be able to travel and meet new competitors which you will not have had the opportunity to do so previously. Some individuals would argue that sport is becoming far to commercialised, however regardless if you are playing at grass roots level or you are a professional you will always make friends whilst being involved in sport. Location The advance in aviation and low cost airlines have offered many athletes the opportunity to compete all over the world more regularly. Competitions are now organised all throughout the world and are regularly attended by international competitors. The EUSA Games are a great example of this. The next Games in Croatia are going to be held in 2016 and shared across two different cities, Zagreb and Rijeka. This would have not been possible even 15 years ago but now with the development of technology it can bring countries, in theory, closer together and can provide a wider and higher level of competition. Commercialisation of Sport The origins of many local sports teams have stemmed from local businesses .For many, sports teams would be supported and sponsored by local businesses and the teams would use the businesses, to socialise and to welcome other teams back after a match. There has always been an element of commercialisation within sport but now sponsorship is key to the survival of many clubs, teams and sports.. However, the introduction of sponsorship could be argued is enhancing sport for the better allowing organising committees to undertake challenges which were previously not possible. Aspect of Fun Despite sport evolving the aspect of fun and enjoyment is ever present. It doesn’t matter if you are an athlete taking part, an organiser, an official or a spectator you are involved because sport is griping and because you enjoy it! What we have as part of the EUSA family is great and enhances the student experience. As a team and family it is important to support our students whilst giving them the best possible experience! Sport is an integral part of society: LIVE IT, LEARN IT, LOVE IT! The author Christopher Purdie is a graduate from the University of Stirling and served as the Vice-Chair of the EUSA Student Commission. Are you a student with an opinion? We are looking for new contributors for our student column every month. Feel free to contact stc@eusa.eu to offer a piece or propose a topic. read more >> Published by: European University Sports Association (EUSA) Office: Tomšičeva ulica 4, SI-1000 Ljubljana tel: +386 1 256 0056, fax: +386 1 256 0057

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