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FW: Globetrotter - June 2015
22.06.2015, Slovenija

June 2015 Travel and learn Where are you going to learn how to take care for yourself? When will you be most open for new knowledge? When will you turn into yourself and get to know your real you? When will you be ready to leave the comfort zone? more Hitchhiking guru Meet Miran Ipavec, he's a world class hitchhiker. The former mayor and CEO of a company has hitchhiked 8 and half times around the globe in 31 years. more Armenia, the oldest country in the world It's the first country in the world, that officially accepted Christianity as its religion - back in 301. In their own language, the country is called Hajastan - the land of Haiko. more 5,4,3, Spain, Madrid - part II This time, we'll be in the circle of less than 50 kilometres from the national capital of Spain and visit the places: Aranjues, Chinchon and Alcala de Henares more Eastern Switzerland You could come across the Prince of Liechtenstein doing his shopping, go walking in "heaven", discover historic postage stamps, watch birds of prey taking part in the local falconry display, climb ruins or cycle to the disco ... more HI Ein Gedi Hostel Accessible Wing Hostelling International (HI) Israel is proud of a new wing in the HI Ein Gedi Hostel, designed to provide accessible accommodations for travellers with disabilities. more Silkeborg, Denmark's Hidden Treasure Most tourists are familiar with Copenhagen as a popular city in Denmark, but there is a hidden treasure waiting to be discovered. It is the breathtakingly beautiful city of Silkeborg. more Opening hostel 'Groeninghe' in Kortrijk The hostel offers comfortable rooms in a modern design hostel, near the city centre. In the future, the hostel hopes to attract both backpackers and young families, schools and international students. more Fremantle Prison YHA - now open Fremantle Prison YHA in Western Australia is now open, providing unique accommodation in a World Heritage-listed nineteenth century jail. YHA has converted the property into a 200-bed place to stay. more Travelling for (almost) free? Do you want to travel but you never gotten enough money to get your butt on the way? Do you want your travels to have purpose and do you want to make money while you're travelling or at least cover your expenses? more Toscana for travellers With some effort you can enjoy the dreamy landscape of Toscana, with attractive and rich cities, as well as taste the local cuisine in a backpacking way! more Cambridge The school year is reaching its conclusion and for the summer holiday, so I've decided to visit Cambridge, where book stores greet tourists on every step. more The pearl of the Mediterranean sea This year I wanted adrenalin and exploration for my holidays and since the first plan couldn't be realized, I've decided to have a rest on Corsica - the pearl of the Mediterranean sea. more Malta this summer Are you looking for more than just a beach holiday? Then Malta is the perfect choice: only a short flight away from European airports and a buzzing event calendar that will make you want to start planning your trip right now. more Hiking in Donegal From the south-west coast of Ireland, I ended up in Donegal a few weeks ago. From Dublin to Donegal you basically pass the most typical Irish landscapes that you can find. more Oka Brasil hostel Hostelling International has a new Hostel at the capital of the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso do Sul, a city named Campo Grande. Mato Grosso do Sul is a very interesting and peculiar state more Linz for families Linz, the colourful city at the Danube, offers cultural highlights and lots of fun for families. In the voestalpine Stahlwelt you can find out all about the world of steel in special tours for children. more YHA Boggle Hole is back YHA Boggle Hole will continue to be a place where, for many young people, those all-important memories of their first school trip away from home are made. If you get chance, go see YHA Boggle Hole for yourself . more

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